Microaggressions in the Classroom Workshop, Inclusive Pedagogy track, CTL event series for faculty, May 2018

In May 2018, the Center for Teaching and Learning (CTL) sponsored a 2-day event series for faculty at Davidson College entitled Digital Dexterity, Inclusive Pedagogy, & Open Access. As the faculty founder of DMP, Dr. Martinez was invited to lead a workshop as part of the Inclusive Pedagogy track on Addressing Microaggressions in the Classroom. The microaggressions panel was one of three concurrent sessions in the event series. The event was organized with information about the DMP and microaggressions based on the extensive body of interdisciplinary research followed by a couple of exemplar prompt videos (see below).

Next, we emphasized that there is no one right fix or best strategy to address microaggressions in the classroom as contextual dynamics and class climate and composition matter greatly to the outcome effects.

We discussed teaching moments as windows of opportunity, which is pedagogical framing derived from Teaching Tolerance: A Project of the Southern Poverty Law Center. The interactive part of the panel workshop included classroom setting mindmapping, case study analysis, reflection, and extension discussion in small groups of faculty. Access the slides here Dr. Martinez developed for the workshop, and further resources below.

Access the .pdf article referenced in the slides here: Darvin, J. (2018). Becoming a more culturally responsive teacher by identifying and reducing microaggressions in classrooms and school communities. Journal for Multicultural Education.

An excellent resource, this 30-page handout, Speak Up At School: How to Respond to Everyday Prejudice, Bias and Stereotypes, is part of the Teaching Tolerance resources published for teachers by the Southern Poverty Law Center. Additionally, here is a pocket guide that you can print, cut, then fold and keep in your pocket for handy use as a self-reminder resource.
